Friday, November 20, 2015

Too many food recalls

It's absolutely nauseating how many food recalls there have been in the last month... Over 50!! Chipotle just shut down 40 something stores in the northwest... Yikes! You just can't trust anyone these days. Salmonella, e. Coli, it's everywhere! Your only safe bet is organic and natural foods. I know they can be a little pricey at times, but really, they are getting better and totally worth the health of yourself and your family, not to mention the relief of knowing you aren't poisoning yourselves with preservatives and gmo's... But don't get me started on that subject! That's a whole 'nother episode folks! Back to organics. My personal favorites are from everything at sprouts and target's simply balanced. Totally affordable and tasty :) what are your favorite organic products? Let me know if I'm missing out on a must have ;)

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