Sunday, November 22, 2015

Holiday spiced banana pudding

Banana pudding is a southern classic and I promised my son I would make a batch this weekend! We were browsing the store for vanilla wafers when he grabbed a bag of snaps and said "let's use these instead!" I love pumpkin so why not? It's always fun to change things up a bit😊

4 cups whole milk
2 packages instant vanilla pudding
Large container whipped cream
Pumpkin or ginger snaps
4 bananas sliced
1tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg

Combine milk, pudding mix, cinnamon and nutmeg. Fold in half of the whipped cream and set aside. In serving bowl or 9x13 dish, layer cookies, bananas and pudding. Top with remaining whipped cream, garnish with sprinkle of spices and a few snaps. Let chill in fridge for two hours before serving. Enjoy!

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