Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Happy thanksgiving!!

I am SO excited for tomorrow, I dream about this day all year!! I have been catering thanksgiving meals recently and my kitchen smells like heaven, so being able to actually enjoy the wonderful foods that are creating these magnificent aromas is kind of like Christmas for me :) I'm going all out too, the whole shebang, even if it is just for my little 'ol family! Because I'll eat leftovers for dayyyyyyyys. I perfected my menu at an event a couple of weeks ago and my mouth has been watering ever since... In case you hadn't noticed, food is my LIFE! Obviously after my husband and children, duh!! Food keeps us alive, and there are so many many ways to enjoy it and benefit from it. So Friday I'll post some recipes and pics, because tomorrow is my day, and I'm going to fully enjoy it! I hope you enjoy yours as well and have a safe and happy holiday :)

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