Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Obviously I've been slacking...

Well... Thanksgiving has come and gone and Christmas is in two days!!  My wonderful husband did a whole photo shoot of every dish I made on Thanksgiving for me to post with their recipes and I feel awful  I haven't done it yet!!  It's hard when your infant only takes 15 minute naps... and by the time she goes to bed, I still have dinner, dishes, laundry, an 8 year old, a husband... it's never ending!!  So I promise to get better at this, I have no problem posting to instagram, so I just need to carve out a couple extra minutes for a blog!  New Year's resolution.  Done.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Happy thanksgiving!!

I am SO excited for tomorrow, I dream about this day all year!! I have been catering thanksgiving meals recently and my kitchen smells like heaven, so being able to actually enjoy the wonderful foods that are creating these magnificent aromas is kind of like Christmas for me :) I'm going all out too, the whole shebang, even if it is just for my little 'ol family! Because I'll eat leftovers for dayyyyyyyys. I perfected my menu at an event a couple of weeks ago and my mouth has been watering ever since... In case you hadn't noticed, food is my LIFE! Obviously after my husband and children, duh!! Food keeps us alive, and there are so many many ways to enjoy it and benefit from it. So Friday I'll post some recipes and pics, because tomorrow is my day, and I'm going to fully enjoy it! I hope you enjoy yours as well and have a safe and happy holiday :)

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Holiday spiced banana pudding

Banana pudding is a southern classic and I promised my son I would make a batch this weekend! We were browsing the store for vanilla wafers when he grabbed a bag of snaps and said "let's use these instead!" I love pumpkin so why not? It's always fun to change things up a bit😊

4 cups whole milk
2 packages instant vanilla pudding
Large container whipped cream
Pumpkin or ginger snaps
4 bananas sliced
1tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg

Combine milk, pudding mix, cinnamon and nutmeg. Fold in half of the whipped cream and set aside. In serving bowl or 9x13 dish, layer cookies, bananas and pudding. Top with remaining whipped cream, garnish with sprinkle of spices and a few snaps. Let chill in fridge for two hours before serving. Enjoy!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Too many food recalls

It's absolutely nauseating how many food recalls there have been in the last month... Over 50!! Chipotle just shut down 40 something stores in the northwest... Yikes! You just can't trust anyone these days. Salmonella, e. Coli, it's everywhere! Your only safe bet is organic and natural foods. I know they can be a little pricey at times, but really, they are getting better and totally worth the health of yourself and your family, not to mention the relief of knowing you aren't poisoning yourselves with preservatives and gmo's... But don't get me started on that subject! That's a whole 'nother episode folks! Back to organics. My personal favorites are from everything at sprouts and target's simply balanced. Totally affordable and tasty :) what are your favorite organic products? Let me know if I'm missing out on a must have ;)

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Coming soon!!!

Embarking on my culinary affair in January 2016... I cannot wait!!